Waste to Energy

Donation Goal For This Project is $9,200,000
0% Donated/$9,200,000 To Go
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Abstract “Executive Summary” 

Currently, Bangladesh are presented with costly and sometimes hazardous energy sources. These electricity plants require huge capital output to design and construct. During the implementation process, none of the decision-makers and project managers figured out the enormous funds required to keep the plants operational. These include equipment maintenance cost, overhead management cost and above all, tremendous raw material cost in the course of the plant’s existence. The result is that these plants are run for few years and abandoned for lack of funds and spare parts.

These costly energy sources worked in developed and advanced nations with large economic resources. Notwithstanding poor management, there is less likelihood that these elephant projects will survive in Bangladesh because of the facts that Bangladeshn culture/ethics, Bangladeshn knowledge-base and plant’s long-term operation and maintenance costs were not considered in selecting and implementing the projects.

To underscore the need for Waste to Energy is the frank realization of abundant trash all over Bangladeshn cities and market places. Below are spot pictures of trash dumps taken in diferent city of Bangladesh.

A number of advocacy groups will be formed with the Government-NGO Relations | Non-Governmental | Policy Advocacy Groups | Public Health | Activists | Gender InEquality | Women’s Empowerment | Education | Children’s | Diversity | Organizations | Press and Media.


The Renewable Green Energy Project is a culturally-sensitive, cost-effective, environmentally-friendly energy project that targets to solve four of Bangladeshn’s socio-economic problems:

  1. Clean the cities and urban areas of refuse; and eliminate the indiscriminate dumping and burning of refuse. Thus, pollution will be greatly reduced and fresh air will seize to be a luxury as it is in most Bangladeshn towns and cities.
  1. The Waste to Energy project eliminates the storage need for urban wastes and municipal bio-solids. The cities/towns that will implement WTE project will bid goodbye to Landfills. More land will be made available for agriculture and other purposes. The ugly sight of trash/waste dumps on the road, market squares and street corners will be a thing of the past in these Bangladeshn towns.
  2. Provide cheap and uninterrupted electricity to the populace.
  3. Create prosperity on the long run. Constant electricity will boost industrial production at a lesser cost and attract more foreign investors.
  4. The project uses a renewable energy source. Fossil fuels like oil, coal & natural gas are non-renewable, in high demand and costly, limited in sources, and are being depleted globally. Opinion has it that when fossil fuels are finished, the world may come to an end. Hence, the dare need for alternative energy source that is renewable.
  5. Prompt and proper management of waste ensures that methane gas (produced from decomposing organic matter) and its attendant smell are not produced/released into the atmosphere. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is 23 times more potent than carbon dioxide in causing global warming.
  6. Waste to Energy is cost-effective compared to contemporary public energy sources around the world e.g. Hydro-, Solar, Geo-thermal, radio-active, etc.
  7. The project requires no building of dams across rivers and lakes with its attendant serious ecological problems.
  8. The raw material for waste to energy is on Bangladeshn streets, market squares and domestic sewage systems. It does not need expensive raw materials like fossil fuels and nuclear materials. The project executors will save a lot of money in the life of the project.
  9. Removal of waste from the streets and utilizing same for electricity production is environmentally-friendly. It will meet EPA standards. Ecological-impact assessment will produce result that will be below acceptable limits.
  10. It creates employment for skilled and non-skilled workers. It is estimated that each installation with refuse collection/management and installed 50MW plant on 24hour per day shifts will create approximately 480 local jobs.
  11. The benefits from this project cut across the entire spectrum of human society in these countries. It will touch the life of the very young, adult and the very old. Women, men, the poor, and the rich will benefit immensely from the project. Cleanliness, they say, is next to Godliness.

Estimated  Cost:

The project is scalable. The conservative cost for establishing 50MW plant is approximately $295million. Cost for Equipment (e.g. trash collection trucks, etc.) and other ancillary materials is about $5million.

Hence, for a project in Bangladesh 3 cities = $1.20 million

As stated above, this project is scalable and the number of Watts will depend on fund availability. Also, one or more cities can be chosen at a time, depending on funds.

