Education Should Be BirthRight

Donation Goal For This Project is $397,740
1% Donated/$390,140 To Go
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Background Information

This project will help expand UDiON Foundation’s education scholarship program which focusses exclusively for the underprivileged children. UDiON Foundation currently sponsor 295 children’s with their tuition, books, note books, pen, pencil, uniforms, shoos, nutrition’s and medical checkup every 6 months. These children come from incredibly disadvantaged families. These children would have never got the opportunity of quality education had UDiON not taken this initiative. The curse of illiteracy and poverty force these kids to become child laborers, which UDiON is working tirelessly to prevent through its education initiative.


Bangladesh, being a third world developing country, suffers from chronic poverty and illiteracy. The poorest people, who mostly live in the slum and rural areas, cannot find enough employment opportunities to sustain their families, let alone send their children to schools. Hence, these kids grow up to be child laborers and engage in unsavory professions from a very early age. Lack of proper education is the reason their families cannot get out of this cycle of poverty.


The ultimate goal of this project is to provide education of international standard to these destitute children, so that they can eventually extricate themselves from the clutches of poverty. The project will also focus on their emotional and physical development by taking care of issues such as their nutrition, hygiene and health care, so that these kids are able to grow up and make a place for themselves in the world as global citizens. UDiON Foundation is committed to ensure all children get the quality education without any additional burden on the family. This program is different than UDiON Free of Cost School, this program focuses on children where school is available but family can’t afford to send their children’s to school. UDiON will expand its program to other reasons of the country to increase quality education to all.

Long-Term Impact and Outcomes

Presently, UDiON sponsor 295 children, which we wish to increase the beneficiary to 1000 within next year. The long term goal is to sponsor childrens and work with school to improve quality of education. Each child deserves the right to get the quality education and UDiON is committed to do everything we can provide such quality education for all.

  • We will open additional technical and vocational training center in collaboration with school
  • We will expand existing UDiON technology centers to bring more students and hire more teachers provide quality training
  • Our vocational training will produce entrepreneurs and youth in technology
  • Each of the graduate students from our technology centers will move way from poverty and will be a contributing member of the society
  • This is an ongoing project and cost estimated is for next five years


Budget (including matching funds “soft/hard”)

Purpose and Description of NeedsRequested Amount Soft & Hard Funds by UDiONComments & Notes
Tuitions, After School tuitions etc.
Learners Selection (Survey and data collection)
Operation Cost (Management, Monitoring, Advertising Cost & etc.)
Furniture (Chair, Table, Board, & etc.)
Learning Materials (Uniforms, Shoos, Computer, Books, Pen, Pencil, Stationary and etc.)
Total Budget

Additional Information and Resources:

Bangladesh Education Statistics by UNICEF. (2013, December 18 ). Retrieved from

Bangladeshi Education Facts You Wanna Know. ( 2014, March 29). Retrieved from

Quality Primary Education in Bangladesh. (2009, September ). Retrieved from


Complete Concept note and detailed budget avilable upon request. Thank You!

