At the UDiON Foundation, our people address the most challenging inequities in our region, our country, and the world, contributing their best on behalf of UDiON global effort.
It is work that not only relies upon candidates with solid educations and related experience, but also a rare dedication to the greater good that exceeds the importance of a specific title. If you have the right mix of experience, discipline, and humility needed to help us accomplish our goals, we strongly encourage you to join us.
Interns and volunteers are critical to accomplishing the UDiON Foundation’s mission and are valued members of our team. We are thrilled that you are interested to join UDiON Foundation. You have made the right choice to “Stand for the Vulnerable”. Please complete and return completed application to
The UDiON Foundation, Inc. is an emerging non-profit global organization that seeks to improve the life and well-being of adults and children. We envision a world in which community challenges are addressed, not by individual leaders, but by collective leadership – groups of local residents working together for sustainable change.
A Container of Transformative Change Based on Relationship supports through conversation increase individual and collective capacity of people to stand in the tension that emerge out of efforts to make change.
Our diverse community challenges us to share our own ideas while considering other points of view. Differences are assets that make us better learners, teachers, scholars, employees, and community members. This inclusive culture extends far beyond dinner tables and does not happen without the deliberate work of each of us as members of a diverse community. It is therefore our patriotic and moral duty to dedicate ourselves to the continued quest for equality and justice for all for ourselves, for future generations and for the world we love.
1. ImpactJAX is the young professional’s organization of the JAX Chamber and the premier venue for Jacksonville’s next generation of leaders to connect with each other and the community
The UDiON Foundation’s volunteer program is designed to provide hands-on experience, build leadership skills and create a guide for the next generation of leaders. This will be accomplished by assisting with the development of the organization, implementing policies and procedures, recruitment and maintenance of clients, donors and members, as well as, engaging in community outreach.
All of us know Education can change life, how can we make sure learning for all happens? Unless we get involved
I love the work UDiON Foundation does for the most destitute and Deprived people of our society. I will volunteer for UDiON anytime
People whether staff, volunteers, clients, beneficiaries, donors, and partners, as important ambassador in bringing peace, love, and justice. We recognize and affirm UDiON Foundation as a multicultural organization and seek to understand and respect the multiplicity of cultures among us. As we seek change in the world, we recognize that we, too, are changed, by those we serve.
Excellence/Continuous Improvement in all our programs and projects, following best practices and standards in a manner that is sustainable to the community from a social, and economic perspective. We also seek to apply our human and financial resources in such ways that maximize impact and sustain benefits to the greatest number of people.
Empowerment by prioritizing the leadership and participation of those we serve, whether people, or local institutions, as critical to creating and sustaining change. We seek to catalyze a movement of worldwide volunteers to multiply impact, and we value capacity-building as a means towards that end.